Will there be a follow-up to this? I want to know what happens when you unplug the Internet.
Will there be a follow-up to this? I want to know what happens when you unplug the Internet.
originally i had planned a scene where it showed the internet being shut down around the world and people's screens turning off. And then the people would come outside for the first time, amazed by real life, like in the film Surrogates, if you ever seen that. However I didn't have time to do as much as I'd like to with it and I had to cut that out and go with this ending.
Burger donut!
Art: Distinctly Jazz, as always. Nice picture of you. Clouds were a tad pixelated.
Animation: seemed a little choppy. You should try throwing in some tweens just for the frame-by-frame work.
Style: also distinctly Jazz. Change nothing.
Story: added some useful information about the Necropolis universe; bonus points for re-introducing the Cassidy brothers and Kiara. Still wondering if you'll bring back Kayle.
Sound: still a little muffled. You need a proper recording station at some point.
Overall: good fare. Deserves a slot on Adult Swim. Also, BURGER DONUT!
And burger donuts make everything better :D
Nice animatic
Art: good - sketchy, but that's okay.
Animation: acceptable level for an animatic.
Story: many elements typical of anime, but well told.
Style: evident, but needs to be refined.
Now it just needs the upgrade to full-fledged animation. If or when that happens, I'd recommend adding a few close-ups to the secnes. Watching two characters in the same spot can get dull after a while.
Overall: 4/5, 7/10.
Yeah, I guess I understand what you mean there... I do think it would probably do well at least colored, it would definitely be a lot more interesting.
Thanks for the review Dawnslayer. =)
Good, but the FILESIZE...
I enjoy RHG, and this was well done in terms of style and animation. But a fight this short should not be six megs large. Please optimize the sound or use a shorter music clip so we don't spend more time waiting than we do watching. Thank you.
Yeah i was really trying to make it smaller, but i didnt see what was making it so big :/
Can't see
Gave you 3/5 for art and animation skill. But honestly, I couldn't see a thing that was going on with that color scheme. I understand it's dark, but everything blended in; I completely missed what happened at the end. (Being able to expand the movie might have helped a bit.) Also, the action cuts could have been a little more dynamic, getting in close rather than just watching from the sidelines.
Not bad at all, but it still needs work.
Hmm yeah. Sidelines arn't that exciting. Good point. :)
And I was afraid it was gunna be to dark :( Sorry.
Whatever - it's Pico Day
Art: shot.
Animation: it existed - I'll give points for that.
Story: Amusing, but not what I'd call quality.
Overall: mediocre...but not horrible.
Sidenote: Isn't Cassandra a guy?
Funny, but...
As far as content, it wasn't half bad. I actually found myself smiling a little. But as is always the issue with movies on Newgrounds, it was horribly pixelated, and the audio was far too quiet. You might want to play around with that and see if you can fix any of the problems.
Thanks for the review.
I played with the audio for months to be honest. This was the best that I could get it, but I totally understand what you mean.
Check the link in the author comments to see the high quality youtube version.
First try, okay
Perfectly understandable that you made it short. Try making storyboards for longer projects; plotlines are much more manageable that way. Even you don't make another animation for a year, get some practice drawing in Flash (and on paper) to improve your skills. Make sure you take advantage of the Lessons provided within the Flash program, if you haven't already; you can find it in the Help menu.
Not a bad start. Keep working on your skills, and don't join a crew.
thanks. I'm definitely gonna write some storyboards in the future. I'll add scripts and dialogue. Like I said, this was just kind of a trial and error but it turned out better than I would have thought. Future flashes will totally be longer with plots and voices. Better stuff overall, but thanks for the review and I won't join a single crew.
It was okay for a start
Suggestion: come back in five years, with better drawing skills, some actual animation, and better audio recording equipment (and a deeper voice :P). Do the exact same thing you did here, but up the ante with your newfound Flash-making powers, and blow this one out of the water with its replacement. With enough practice, this just might make it to front page. (And then Tom will give you money!)
yer but i dont really care
Joined on 3/17/08